Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trivia Time in Vermont

Can you Spot what's wrong with this picture?

This is somewhat of an old story, so you may have seen it before. But for those that haven't: this is the door panel from a Vermont State Police cruiser.

Here is the real logo:

Having trouble?

Well, as it turns out, some of the female inmates up in Vermont are quite crafty and managed to get this image installed on at least 30 cars before the error was "spotted". It was altered in 2009.

Still don't see it?

Have you ever heard of a cop being referred to as a pig? One of the spots on a cow in the state crest was changed to the shape of a pig, a derogatory term for police.

Officials say that unless someone confesses, it will be impossible to figure out who it was. A member of the force noticed the error while washing his car. Apparently, some have been on the road for at least a year.

So there you go. A little cop trivia from Hockey Cop.